
Learning while building

20-80 Theory practical motto of life ! I'm a solopreneur who rock the codes (wink)


Hou what we have here ? Let's see

  • Twitter X

    My sweet safe place for personal branding. Freedom of speech babe

  • Business – Article to Keys Summaries

    Party Rock AWS Hackathon 2024

  • OpenAI – Creation Thought Companion

    A partner for reflective thinking and pattern discovery

  • Web Newbies

    Democratizing webmarketing for free

    • Collective conferences online in english
    • 1 per month until April 2024 (they wanted me to pay to continue so no – I’ll build another later)
    • WebNewbies – Webmarketing, business and site creation (2630 members)
  • Padawebies

    Democratizing IA & Web3 for free

    • Collective conferences online in english
    • 1 per month until April 2024 (they wanted me to pay to continue so no – I’ll build another later)
    • Padawebies – AI & Web3 (1452 members)
  • Henrri Financial Assistant

    Your AI-powered finance assistant in your pocket

  • Conferences – Google France Catalog – Webmarketing / Data / Personal Development

    Onboarding in September-October 2022 (3 weeks) Then

  • Conferences – Google France Catalog – Webmarketing / Data / Personal Development

    Onboarding in September-October 2022 (3 weeks) Then

  • Conferences – Google France Catalog – Webmarketing / Data / Personal Development

    Onboarding in September-October 2022 (3 weeks) Then

  • Conferences – Google France Catalog – Webmarketing / Data / Personal Development

    Onboarding in September-October 2022 (3 weeks) Then

  • Conferences

    Extract from feedbacks

  • Conferences

    Extract from feedbacks

  • Senza

    Consultant Trainer Webmarketing

  • Exemple of project leaders accompanied
  • Feedbacks

    Extract from feedbacks

  • Studi

    Consultant Trainer Webmarketing - 4 degrees

  • Exemple of allowed diffusion of extract of work realized
  • Exemple of allowed diffusion of extract of work realized
  • Iscod / Visiplus

    Learning Coach

  • Openclassrooms

    Learning Coach

  • Rocket School

    School Implementation Montpellier

  • Makesense Sprint

    6 weeks from an idea to prototype

  • Conference

    How deep tech can accelerate Africa enlightment

  • Event was for 2021 – happened in october 2022 when I pivoted
  • Mastermind Webinaries Kali – L’heure du patrimoine

    Democratizing tech

  • Wrote this auto-edited ebook during covid (1st confinement)

    For fun and before GPT

  • What rest on Facebook now

    Oh wow

  • School webinar to promote

    It was funny, the writer is a black woman but they put a black man on it ahahah

  • Hack The Crisis

    Citizen Hackaton - 48h to build a tech project

  • Animation on Twitter

  • Event feedbacks – Exemples

    Press and Linkedin

  • Event feedbacks – Exemples

    Press and Linkedin

  • Makesense Sprint

    6 weeks from an idea to prototype

  • Event feedbacks

    Press and Linkedin

  • Thesis

    How e-reputation can be a facteur of success

  • XAnge

    European VCs who love entrepreneurs who rock the codes

  • Speak as a VC

    26 editions

  • CEO Interviews

    We love entrepreneurs who rock the codes !

  • Instagram

    Creation Lab

  • Ministry of Army – Department Tourism of Memory

    Digital Project Manager - Presentation realized in EN for a previous project

  • Technologic innovation into memoriam museum

    Exemple of event co-managed

  • A previous observation from 2017 more than ever correct

    Always remember

  • Hubstart Center

    Talent incubator

  • Guidae

    Community Management

  • Horus Connect

    First experience of consulting

  • Women Wednesday – Hobbs

    Language Stay

  • Ikigai

    Find your

  • ABC Formation Continue


  • Podcast Kalimanjaro

    How to determine your social networking strategy ?

  • Interview Steffy

    Social media and activity

  • Hack your apprenticeship/stage conference

    Promotion of my first book

  • Freelance Speaker

    How to use social media to promote your activity

  • Singer – Author Interpret


  • Classpass

    Dance, yoga, martial arts... Everything is on ClassPass. I used to Urban Sports before.

  • Strategy and Gestion gaming in general – Here Clash of clans

    Angewar - Clan The Big Boss - Really useful when you run a solo activity

  • Squad Buster


  • Writing

    RIP Skyblog - Le jeu du chat et de la souris

  • Women Wednesday – Hobbs

    Language Stay

  • My first baby

    All started with this

  • 17 free ressources of webmarketing
  • Tiktok

    I don't like Tiktok algorithm (no influence on it literally)

  • Tiktok

    I don't like Tiktok algorithm (no influence on it literally)

They speak about it

Love temple with screenshots useless nazis cannot make delete

My vision

I had a dream. That all humanity would be digitalized. Then I woke up, and started passing on (one of) my passion to real web 2, business and web 3 enthusiasts.

If you’ve come to this page and want to be lied to or petted, you’ve come to the wrong place.

I’m not a boor, I’m just in love with factuality, action and data.

I don’t care about level, social origin, socio-professional situation or age. I’m here to accompany and coach anyone who’s hungry and thirsty for progress in these exciting areas.

For any professionnal inquiries, send me a mail here :


Get the Brother Wayans, Seth Rogen, James Franco and South Park humor.